PREFACE: Rachel's Christmas list ends with "a job :)" and mine includes a picture of what I called "a simple, black carry-on luggage."
Me: I hope you’re happy. I waited ALL YEAR to end my list by requesting a job (personally I would have gone with the more playful “winkey-face” follow-up but yours was close enough that I have to concede). If you want to know how it feels to have the comedy-list-writing rug YANKED out from under you; I’d liken it to being the exact OPPOSITE of my all-powerful “Olson Twins moment.”**(see BACKSTORY below) Thanks for that.
Rachel: HAHAHAHA fabulous. That reference to the Olsen twins moment really hits home, though. I NEVER wanted to be that girl. However, let me get to the real reason for my email... You have described the piece of luggage most commonly stolen at airports (the honda civic of suitcases, if you will), and I must insist that you get something you'll recognize right out of the luggage gates
Sincerely, A concerned Christmas shopper
Me: HAHAHA AMAZING response. Loving the "honda civic" analogy and of course the flintstone luggage you attached. I thought about it being too boring but then I figured I'd much rather attach something to it that sets it apart (add that to my list--hint, hint) then risk putting just "carry-on" on my list and getting a fischer-price looking thing that I'll be guilt-forced into rolling around with for a couple years.
BACKSTORY: Rachel and I played an electronic board game where you have to be the first to yell out words that start with each letter of the alphabet. On this day (a day that clearrrly lives in infamy) I only had the letter 'O' left and the category was "child actors." I starred blankly at the game board for a few seconds and as the timer counted down, we laughed and discussed how unfortunate it was I didn't get a better category; THEN out of no where I yelled "OLSON TWINS!" mid-sentence right before the buzzer sounded. To this day I feel bad for anyone who hasn't experienced the level of joy that followed.
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